Stephanie DeMarrNew Year, Rest

A Bit of Rest

Stephanie DeMarrNew Year, Rest
A Bit of Rest

Well long time no post and Happy New Year to you all! I hope the holiday season found you well and in the company of people you know and love. Here at the Kitchen, it found us all a little sick. From a trip to the ER (everyone has recovered fully from that) to a cold that simply will not leave our home, we have had our share of sniffles, aches and pains. We still managed to have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, being careful to not pass on our germs, of course!

But with all the sickness came the realization that we all needed to rest. Our bodies all said STOP and we could do nothing but comply. Our days have been filled with reading, watching movies, playing games and doing our best to relax and not have a coughing fit. While I missed shooting and posting yummy recipes and tips for you all, these last few days in my family cocoon have been wonderful and much needed.

The holidays are a time to slow down and savor all that is around us. For many, this is not an easy feat with all the travel to family and friends get togethers and shopping and preparing and just going, going, going. So while I don’t recommend running out and catching the first cold you can find just to get some face time with your people, I do strongly encourage each of you to take a bit time and just relax. Even if you can only manage a bit, down time with the people you love the most (or yourself) is one of the greatest gifts the holidays is supposed to give us. So make sure you open that gift and enjoy it.

I will be back at it in the New Year, posting recipes, tips, tricks and all kinds of new and fun content of all my work and play in the Kitchen. I hope to see you all there!