Merry Days!

Merry Days!

Merry season to you all! The best month of the year is finally here!! I have so many reasons to love this time of year with the holiday lights, Charlie Brown, yummy treats and the fact that my son was born in December (2 weeks before Christmas!) But most of all I love the feeling that everyone has this time of year, where we are just a little kinder, nicer and stop a little bit more to watch twinkle lights dance in the dark.

December is also the month that I go into full on overdrive with cooking and baking (and my pants can attest to that!!) The great news about this year is that I now have more reasons to cook and bake because I am going to be sharing some of my family’s favorite holiday treat recipes with you! These are the sweets and treats that make my family come back to the kitchen again and again for “just one more” and I hope will do the same for you and your people.

These are also treats that when made with people you love taste just a bit sweeter. So visit me lots this month, get your kitchen ready and invite your favorite people over to bake up a storm with you and make some of that amazing December magic right in your own home. And don’t forget to share the baking love with friends and neighbors because everyone loves to get a plate of baked goodness this time of year!

If you have any baking questions, tips, tricks or just want to say howdy, pop over to Facebook and drop me a line! If you want to see what I’m baking in my kitchen all month long, follow me on Instagram @littleprairiekitchen and check out Little Prairie Kitchen on Pinterest to see what’s inspiring me this month! Happy holidays to you and yours!!