Top 3 Last Minute Treats

Top 3 Last Minute Treats

So has December snuck up on you fast and furiously? Out of all of the months of the year, I feel December is the one that always seems to shock me the most with it’s arrival! This could be because in addition to all the Christmas merrymaking my son has a birthday in December so attention must be paid to that. This year has been a little smoother than most but that is only because I have been sharing holiday treats with you guys! This guarantees holiday baking gets done because I need pretty pictures to share with you and to get those pretty pictures I need food:)

But there have been those years when somehow it got to be mid-December and not a treat was in sight in my house. Sometimes this was poor planning on my end, sometimes it is a lack of motivation, and sometimes it was simply because we travel for Christmas every other year and I just had no more time left with all the travel planning!

In these moments when time is short but merry still needs to be made, I turn to these three fast and tasty treats. They are super fast, super yummy and super easy to make! So if you need something now, give these a try! Or even if you have lots of time, I still recommend them because they are just THAT good! Now let’s get our bake on!

Top 3 Last Minute Holiday Treats

1. Seven Layer Bars

Seriously, this one is SO easy! You crush graham crackers, dump stuff in a pan and you have the BEST bars ever! I can make this one while I’m getting other things around the house done and since it’s so sweet, a tiny bar goes a long way. This is one of my favorites to have around the house and to give as a last minute gift! Check out my Dreamy Seven Layer Bar recipe right now!

2. Rice Krispy Treats

Really, is this one even a question? Butter, marshmallows and Rice Krispies and you have the easiest and most classic treat ever. I can’t imagine a holiday that did not include a big pan of these for nibbling. My favorite way to jazz these up (with not much extra time or effort) is to pour one cup of Christmas sprinkles into the mixture before you add it to the pan to set. It makes them Christmasy and is so easy!

You can also pour them onto a well greased cookie sheet and allow the kiddos to use cookie cutters to punch out Krispy cutouts. Allow the treat to set as you normally would before cutting it!

I use the recipe listed on the box and it is as follows:

  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 4 cups mini marshmallows
  • 6 cups Rice Krispies (or any other rice cereal-store brand works fine here!)

I melt the butter over medium low heat, then slowly add the marshmallows until melted. I then remove the pan from the heat and add the rice cereal and mix until well combined. The mixture is then pressed gently into a well greased pan or cookie sheet and allowed to cool until hardened. Then I cut or allow my son to make cutout treats! Easy peasy!

3. Peppermint Bark

I LOVE chocolate and peppermint and based on what I see in stores, so do lots of other folks! When I’m pressed for time and need to fill up a treat box fast, I turn to my take on Peppermint Bark. This one is no-bake, easy to do and can be done with ingredients most folks have readily available!

So, now I’ve shared three of my favorites, what are some of yours? Shoot me an email at or come find me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and let’s talk treats! I’m always on the lookout for great, fast and new ideas so share away!