Handiest Kitchen Tools-Stand Mixer

Handiest Kitchen Tools-Stand Mixer

Over the years, I have developed a love for the kitchen. It was not a natural beginning as “cooking” for me was zapping a frozen dinner or cutting cheese and meat. But as time went on and it became necessary for me to feed other people, I started working more in the kitchen and found a place I truly loved.

As my time in the kitchen has increased, so has my arsenal of tools. For a long time, I had everything I needed in the kitchen with only a few gadgets and tools added into the mix. After I began to make bread and desserts with more frequency, I wanted a mixer. There is a whole universe of mixers with a universe of prices to go with it. Knowing how much I would use it and how much I wanted it, Jim picked out a KitchenAid mixer as a Christmas gift for me, which is not the most expensive one out there, but is certainly a lot more than I would have ever thought to spend on a kitchen tool! But it was so worth it.

The last tool I am featuring in my series is my mixer. I can say with no exaggeration I use this mixer at least once or twice a week and much more frequently during the holidays. I make bread, cookies, whipped cream, cakes and brownies for friends, family and my son’s school and have only now begun to explore the range of attachments that you can purchase to make the mixer even more of a kitchen powerhouse. I have the meat grinder attachment and am researching what exact cuts are good or bad to self-grind. Any tips or advice would be much appreciated:)

Truthfully, I was more than able to make all of these things before I had my mixer, but the whole point to all these gadgets and gizmos lining the shelves is to make our cooking lives easier. Our world moves a bit faster than it did in years past and people are out of the house now more than ever. I welcome things that will make being in the kitchen a pleasurable experience and produce more homemade goodness with less time working and more time enjoying. I enjoyed making breads and other baked goodies before, but having my mixer has made bread an almost weekly part of our routine and when my son comes home and announces he needs two dozen cookies for school, I know that I am just a flip of a switch away from perfectly mixed dough. I love my mixer and think that if you want to step up your cooking game a bit, this handy device will help you. But it will only help you if you use it so before you invest money make sure you are going to put it to good use. And if you are short on inspiration, I happen to know a great website you can check out for that;)

A few of my mixer faves:

Basic French Bread Blueberriest Muffins Fresh Whipped Cream Pizza Dough